LuxeVapes is an O2O (Online to Offline) eCommerce company. They are a premier online distribution and wholesale store offering a massive selection of industry-leading vaping products, supplies, and accessories.


Millons of product

Project Requirement

LuxeVapes was looking for a company who could handle all their needs under one roof. They hired OST to make the shopper experience flawless and take their eCommerce store to the next level. We worked on the LuxeVapes eCommerce web application, scraping software, AWS/Cloud server migration, and maintenance.



Solutions We Provided

Through extensive usability testing and deep analysis, OST Engineers discovered all the biggest headaches of buyers. We discovered how customer could purchase thousands of products and multiple variations in one go without making the shopping cart slow.
OST product and design team worked on all important tweaks of Luxevape website to increase user experience. We ensured that the Add To Cart button would be disabled after the customer added their first product to avoid being charged twice and added functionality that allows customers to buy multiple variations of the same product in one go. We developed one-page checkout system, product comparison charts, reward points, expedited shipping, and improved website speed.

Migrated to Cloud for seamless experience

We migrated the website to the cloud server and now maintain the server with zero downtime to enhance business growth.


LuxeVapes sells millions of products, and all of their products come from suppliers. Suppliers add new products on a daily basis including many variations of each product. Since the supplier doesn’t offer a CSV export or Excel file with all the SKUs (Product information/detail) when new products are added. To get out of this repetitive and time consuming work we developed scraping software that automatically updates all products on the LuxeVapes website on a regular schedule.

Client’s Word

Before we started working with OpenSource, we were doing $25,000–$30,000 per month in business. Now, we’re doing well over $90,000 per month. That’s a big step up in only a couple of months, and we credit a good amount of it to OpenSource.

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