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OpenSource Technologies Inc.
650 N Cannon Ave #229
Lansdale, PA 19446

If Opportunity Doesn't Knock At Your Door, OST Would Open The Door To Success For You!

Why Choose OST

Career is an individual's life journey on the basis of learning, work, and skills. Regardless of whether you are proficient or a fresher, OST trusts that every individual should sharpen his skills and update his knowledge with time. OST works closely with its staff as we understand the value, needs and dreams of our employees. We aim at striking a balance between our goals and our employees’ career objectives. We help our staff to reach the next level by regularly monitoring their performance. Based on their performance evaluation, we provide educational and training sessions to support them in upgrading their skills-sets.


Consistent Performance Review

We strategize performance reviews to explore each employee’s job growth and to set benchmarks to strive for during the next appraisal period. Managers and supervisors can make the best of them once they fathom the benefits of performance appraisals.

Internal Opportunity

We ardently believe that our primary assets are our employees. We strive towards being actively involved in our employees’ success by carving out growth opportunities, helping them develop new skills and boosting them to take the lead and make smart decisions that would benefit the company as a whole.

Job Security

Job security gives way to a solid career and financial stability. We believe that employees who settle into a position are more likely to achieve long-term career goals, feel financially stable and gain professional skills that appeal to future employers.

Education Assistance

We believe that rendering education assistance to our employees is a symbiotic process.While the employee enjoys advanced education, the employer in turn benefits from him with revamped skills and knowledge. It is a futuristic way to motivate talented employees focused on growth and learning.

Competitive Compensation

We believe that our employees need to feel the success of the organization.When we reward success,employees are driven to succeed, driving the organization forward.

Flexible Workspace

In today's parlance, workplace flexibility is critical towards driving employee engagement. We believe that flexibility beefs up employee performance and productivity, hence a better cycle time and client service. With even a small degree of flexibility in, when and where work gets done, employees derive stronger job commitment and very low stress levels.